Tuesday, 11 July 2017

General Rules for Submitting Adjustment Requests

Adjustment requests that only recoup or cancel a prior payment are "credits" and must match the original in the following fields:
• A/B MAC (A) control number (ICN/DCN); 
• Surname; 

When a definite match cannot be made on the 3 fields above, the provider's A/B MAC (A) will use the fields below as needed. Note that for older claims, ICN/DCN probably will not match.
• Date of birth; 
• Admission date (Start of Care Date for Home Health), unless changed by this adjustment requests; and 
• From/thru dates (Date of First Visit/Date of Last Visit for Home Health), unless changed by this adjustment request.

Cancel-only adjustment requests must be submitted only in cases of incorrect provider identification numbers and incorrect HICNs. After the cancel-only request for the incorrect bill is resolved, the provider must submit correct information as a new bill.

The provider must submit all other adjustment requests as debits only. It shows the ICN/DCN of the bill to be adjusted as described above, with the bill type shown as XX7. It submits adjustment requests to its A/B MAC (A) either electronically or on hard copy. Electronic submission is preferred.

The A/B MAC (A) prepares an adjustment if instructed by CO or RO to make a change. Typically, the A/B MAC (A) receives such direction from CMS when it decides to retroactively change payment for a class or other group of bills. Occasionally, CMS will discover an error in the processing of a single bill and direct the A/B MAC (A) to correct it.

If the A/B MAC (A) furnished the A/B MAC (B) a copy of the original bill which is being adjusted, it must furnish them a copy of the adjusted bill.

If adjustment bills are rejected by CWF for additional corrections, they need to be corrected and resubmitted. Even if the adjustment action is requested by letter from CMS, the A/B MAC (A) must submit the adjustment bill in its CWF record. If a rejected adjustment bill is determined to be unnecessary, the A/B MAC (A) stops the adjustment action upon receipt of correction.

Where an adjustment bill changes subsequent utilization, the A/B MAC (A) notes this and processes adjustments to subsequent bills if it services the provider.

If the A/B MAC (A) does not service the provider, CMS will contact the A/B MACs (A), which submitted bills with subsequent billing dates that are affected by the adjustments via an SSA-L389 or SSA-L1001 upon receipt of the adjusted bills in CWF. 

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