Saturday, 5 August 2017


Revenue Codes - Codes that identify the accommodations furnished, ancillary services provided or billing calculation are entered in this field. The code indicates whether the rate includes charges for ancillary services or only room and board.

If the patient was furnished more than one type of accommodation, the loops or lines for each type of accommodation are completed. This is necessary whether or not the provider charges an all-inclusive rate according to accommodations.

Where the all-inclusive rate varies with the type of accommodation, the Remarks field is annotated for a five-or-more bed accommodation showing the reason for the accommodation.

Unit of Service - A quantitative measure for services furnished, by revenue category, to or for the patient which includes items such as the number of accommodation days, pints of blood, or renal dialysis treatments, is entered.

Total Charges - The total charges pertaining to the related revenue code for the current billing period is entered.

Noncovered Charges - The total non-covered charges pertaining to the related revenue code for the current billing period is entered.

Ancillary Services
One All-Inclusive Charge Rate - Hospitals with one all-inclusive charge rate, including ancillary services, are reflected in the revenue code. The total charge reflects the charge for both accommodations and ancillary services.

Separate Ancillary All-Inclusive Rate - Some providers segregate charges for ancillary services for billing purposes. Where a separate flat rate charge for ancillary services is incurred either on a daily or total stay basis, the provider enters separate codes for the services. These codes indicate whether the total charge includes only ancillary cost or includes other costs (i.e., blood).
If applicable, the following additional billing instructions are applied:
• Blood
Whenever whole blood is furnished the patient, value codes and amounts are completed. If the all-inclusive rate does not include the charge for whole blood or packed cells, revenue codes, rates, service dates, units, and total charges are completed in the same way a provider not using all-inclusive rates would complete them. When the provider discounts its customary charges for unreplaced blood to which the deductible is applicable, it shows the charges before the discount.

 If the all-inclusive rate covers the cost of providing blood whenever a patient needs it, the number of pints furnished, replaced, not replaced, and the estimated cost per pint is entered in value codes and amounts. No amount can be shown in the Total Charges column since the rate includes the cost of blood. It is not necessary to show the cost for any replaced blood.

• All-Inclusive Charges According to Disease, Injury, or Type of Treatment
Providers that have a charge system based on the patient's illness or injury or type of treatment complete the applicable loops or line(s) for type of accommodation furnished showing number of days, rate, and total charges. The rate amount and total amounts must be the same. Blood entries are indicated as above

• Physician's Component 
As with providers having a schedule of charges for individual services, the amount of any physician's component included in the all-inclusive charge is removed from the total covered charges before applying the inpatient deductible or coinsurance.

• Combined Billing 
CMS does not encourage the all-inclusive rate provider to combine bill. However, if it does, it must develop the capability and indicate in the Remarks field, the number and type of each service it is combined billing. To identify such cases, the remark "Combined Billing" must be written in the Remarks field. 
NOTE: Combined billing was eliminated with Outpatient PPS.

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