Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Postacute Transfer Cases

Return Code 10: Makes payment to the transferring IPPS hospital (when the patient transfers to a non-IPPS hospital) for postacute transfer DRGs (that have double the payment on the 1st day for purposes of the postacute care transfer policy) as published in the annual IPPS Final Rule. Will calculate a per diem payment based on the standard DRG payment if the covered days are less than the geometric mean length of stay for the DRG. If covered days equal or exceed the geometric mean length of stay the standard payment is also calculated. The cost outlier portion of the payment is calculated if the adjusted charges on the bill exceed the outlier threshold. 

Return Code 12: Makes payment to the transferring IPPS hospital (when the patient transfers to a non-IPPS hospital) for postacute transfer DRGs (that receive 50 percent of the prospective payment on the 1st day of the stay for purposes of the postacute care transfer policy) as published in the annual IPPS Final Rule. Will calculate a per diem payment based on the standard DRG payment if the covered days are less than the geometric mean length of stay for the DRG. If covered days equal or exceed the geometric mean length of stay, the standard payment is calculated. The cost outlier portion of the payment is calculated if the adjusted charges on the bill exceed the outlier threshold. 

Return Code 40: Makes payment to the transferring IPPS hospital (when the patient transfers to a non-IPPS hospital) for postacute transfer DRGs (that have double the payment on the 1st day for purposes of the postacute care transfer policy) as published in the annual IPPS Final Rule. Will calculate a per diem payment based on the standard DRG payment if the covered days are less than the geometric mean length of stay for the DRG. If covered days equal or exceed the geometric mean length of stay, the standard payment is calculated. Also indicates an outlier payment would be necessary if the CCR increased by 20 percentage points. 

Return Code 42: Makes payment to the transferring IPPS hospital (when the patient transfers to a non-IPPS hospital) for postacute transfer DRGs (that receive 50 percent of the prospective payment on the 1st day of the stay for purposes of the postacute care transfer policy) as published in the annual IPPS Final Rule. Will calculate a per diem payment based on the standard DRG payment if the covered days are less than the geometric mean length of stay for the DRG. If covered days equal or exceed the geometric mean length of stay, the standard payment is calculated. Also indicates an outlier payment would be necessary if the CCR increased by 20 percentage points.

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