If, for cost reporting periods beginning before January 1, 2000, a hospital that did not
receive payments reflecting the erroneous inclusion of otherwise ineligible days filed a
jurisdictionally proper appeal to the PRRB on the issue of the exclusion of these types of
days from the Medicare DSH formula before October 15, 1999, the A/B MAC (A) will
reopen the cost report at issue and revise the Medicare DSH payment to reflect the
inclusion of these types of days as Medicaid days. If there are any questions or concerns
regarding the qualifications for a "jurisdictionally proper appeal," the A/B MAC (A)
submits them in writing before rendering a decision in a specific case to:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Office of Financial Management
Financial Services Group
Location C3-14-16
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.
Where, for cost reporting periods beginning before January 1, 2000, a hospital filed a
jurisdictionally proper appeal to the PRRB on the issue of the exclusion of these types of
days from the Medicare DSH formula on or after October 15, 1999, reopen the settled cost
report at issue and revise the Medicare DSH payment to reflect the inclusion of these types
of days as Medicaid days, but only if the hospital appealed, before October 15, 1999, the
denial of payment for the days in question in previous cost reporting periods. The actual
number of these types of days that are used in this revision must be properly supported by
adequate documentation provided by the hospital. Do not reopen a cost report and revise
the Medicare DSH payment to reflect the inclusion of these types of days as Medicaid
days if, on or after October 15, 1999, a hospital added the issue of the exclusion of these
types of days to a jurisdictionally proper appeal already pending before PRRB on other
Medicare DSH issues or other unrelated issues.
Continue to pay the Medicare DSH adjustment reflecting the inclusion of general
assistance or other State-only health program, charity care, Medicaid DSH, and/or waiver
or demonstration population days for all open cost reports for cost reporting periods
beginning before January 1, 2000, to any hospital that, before October 15, 1999, filed a
jurisdictionally proper appeal to the PRRB specifically for this issue on previously settled
cost reports.
Finally, if a hospital has filed a jurisdictionally proper appeal with respect to the
CMS 97-2 ruling and the hospital has otherwise received payment for the portion of
Medicare DSH adjustment attributable to the inclusion of general assistance or other
State-only health programs, charity care, Medicaid DSH, and/or ineligible waiver or
demonstration population days based on its paid Medicaid days, include these types of
unpaid days in the Medicare DSH formula when revising the cost reports affected by the
CMS 97-2 appeal.
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