Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Hospitals That Received Payments Reflecting the Erroneous Inclusion of Days at Issue

In practical terms this means that the A/B MAC (A) is not to reopen any cost reports for cost reporting periods beginning before January 1, 2000, to disallow the portions of Medicare DSH payments attributable to the erroneous inclusion of general assistance or other State-only health program charity care, Medicaid DSH, and/or ineligible waiver or demonstration population days if the hospital received payments for those days based on those cost reports. If, prior to the issuance of this Program Memorandum, a hospital reopened a settled cost report to disallow the portion of Medicare DSH payment attributable to the inclusion of these types of days, reopen that cost report again and refund the amounts (including interest) collected. Do not, however, pay the hospitals interest on the amounts previously recouped as result of the disallowance. Furthermore, on or after October 15, 1999, the A/B MAC (A) is not to accept reopening requests for previously settled cost reports or amendments to previously submitted cost reports pertaining to the inclusion of these types of days in the Medicare DSH formula.

For cost reporting periods beginning before January 1, 2000, hospitals are to continue to allow these types of days in the Medicare DSH calculation for all open cost reports only in accordance with the practice followed for the hospital at issue before October 15, 1999, (i.e., for open cost reports, the A/B MAC (A) allows only those types of otherwise ineligible days that the hospital received payment for in previous cost reporting periods settled before October 15, 1999). For example, if, for a given hospital, a portion of Medicare DSH payment was attributable to the erroneous inclusion of general assistance days for only the out-of-State or HMO population in cost reports settled before October 15, 1999, the A/B MAC (A) is to include the ineligible waiver days for only that population when settling open cost reports for cost reporting periods beginning before January 1, 2000. However, the actual number of general assistance and other State-only health program, charity care, Medicaid DSH, and/or ineligible waiver or demonstration days, as well as Medicaid Title XIX days that the A/B MAC (A) allows for the open cost reports must be supported by auditable documentation provided by the hospital.

Hospitals That Did Not Receive Payments Reflecting the Erroneous Inclusion of Days at Issue

If a hospital did not receive any payment based on the erroneous inclusion of general assistance or other State-only health program, charity care, Medicaid DSH, and/or waiver or demonstration population days for cost reports that were settled before October 15, 1999, and the hospital never filed a jurisdictionally proper appeal to the Provider Reimbursement Review Board (PRRB) on this issue, the A/B MAC (A) is not to pay the hospital based on the inclusion of these types of days for any open cost reports for cost reporting periods beginning before January 1, 2000. Furthermore, on or after October 15, 1999, the A/B MAC (A) is not to accept reopening requests for previously settled cost reports or amendments to previously submitted cost reports pertaining to the inclusion of these types of days in the Medicare DSH formula 

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